Product Compliance, Risk Management and Validation Service
To manage risk throughout the development cycle we use failure mode analysis, compliance reviews, product and software testing and issues lists at each stage gate. These provide the documents needed to agree to move on to subsequent design stages.
Innovative product and service design for sustainable environmental and commercial outcomes
Design Verification Planning (DVP) and Execution
Hardware design and technology selection for cost viability and risk assessment
DVP is a structured assessment tool to verify that the product meets its specification. By this stage in the development the team will have carried out functional, performance, life/reliability and stress testing and this information is captured within the DVP. When off-tool parts are available product compliance and field testing programmes can get underway.
Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis (DFMEA) and Hazard Analysis
Team exploration of the system requirements to determine optimal hardware architecture
A blend of the design thinking process and the more structured fault tree assessment feeds into the specification as considerations for the designers and engineers.. Designs are critically assessed against these failure modes at stage gate reviews.

Compliance and Certification
Enabling rapid qualification of the technology approach and risk assessment
Design for Compliance minimises the risk of not meeting compliance targets. Our specialist compliance team will work with you to establish the compliance definitions for certifying electronic and safety-critical products for local and international markets including RCM, CE and UL. Deliverables include a Technical Construction File and compliance reports used for Type Approvals in your target export jurisdictions.